Open Letter To Eshel – Hachnosas Orchim




    Open Letter To Eshel – Hachnosas Orchim

    I am sure that inside some of you are feeling disappointed and even angry at some of the current events. You – like the rest of Lubavitch – have seen the notices posted all over crown heights, Israel and the internet that there are new organizations that will be “taking care” of the Ruchnius and Gashmius of the guests – boys and girls – this coming Tishrei ● Rabbi Gershon Avtzon pens an “Open Letter” to the leaders of Eshel – Hachnosas Orchim ● Open Letter

    By Rabbi Gershon Avtzon, Rosh Yeshivas Lubavitch Cincinnati:

    Dear leaders of “Eishel – Hachnasas Orchim” and “Beis Midrash Lenashim”

    I am writing this letter of Chizzuk to you because I know how I would feel of I was in your “shoes” right now.

    I am sure that inside some of you are feeling disappointed and even angry at some of the current events. You – like the rest of Lubavitch – have seen the notices posted all over crown heights, Israel and the internet that there are new organizations that will be “taking care” of the Ruchnius and Gashmius of the guests – boys and girls – this coming Tishrei.

    You must be wondering to yourself – as I am – how ironic it is, that the very same people who told all of Lubavitch in 5755 that there “is nothing to come for anymore” and they should even stop the tear of “Kvutza”, are now the “hosts” of all the guests?

    You must be insulted, that after all the effort – and nobody is perfect – that you put in to be sensitive and understanding of all the different “opinions” in chabad – and you always gave food and beds to everyone – that you are now being accused of “manipulating the minds of the Bachurim and girls” by just teaching them the words of the Rebbe?

    It is to you – and anyone that feels hurt by the situation – that I want to share an interesting Pirush that I had once learned:

    Dovid Hamelech says in a Passuk in Tehillim (122:1) ” I am happy when people say, we are going to the house of Hashem”. Simply understood, Dovid Hamelech is saying that he is happy that people are going to the Beis Hamikdash. Yet there is an obvious question: There was no Beis Hamikdash in the time of Dovid Hamelech?!

    The Mefarshim explain a fascinating explanation: All the Yidden know that the Beis Hamikdash would not be built in the lifetime of Dovid Hamelech. One time Dovid was walking, and he heard someone say ” I can not wait for Dovid Hamelech to dies, so that the Beos Hamikdash can be built!”. Instead of getting upset, Dovid Hamelech said ” I am happy when people say, we are going to the house of Hashem”

    So dear friends I urge you: Please do not get sad or angry. Just echo the words of Dovid Hamelech ” I am happy when people say, we are going to the house of Hashem”. That even in 5775, the very people who thought the Lubavitch is over, are encouraging everyone to come for Tishrei! This is amazing and it is only in your zchus – and akshanos all these years to provide hachnasas orchim – that this is happening today.

    May we merit to have the complete hisgalus of the Rebbe MH”M and he will take us all to Yerushalayim now!!


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    1. Mordy #2

      Well Said!

    2. moshe

      Please fix the spelling

    3. Shimon Shak

      Thank you to the author! Wholeheartedly agree!! Thank you Eshel for all of the hard work that you do : )

    4. mendy

      Right on target. It’s amazing how opinions change.

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