A Huge Thank You to the Crown Heights Community, From Sheepshead Bay




    A Huge Thank You to the Crown Heights Community, From Sheepshead Bay

    Over this past Chanukah, Anash of Crown Heights and bochurim took Sheepshead Bay by storm! The joy and light of Chanukah was spread to over 10,000 Yidden! This was an unprecedented event, one that surpassed the organizer’s wildest dreams • Full Story, Photos, Video

    Over this past Chanukah, Anash of Crown Heights and bochurim took Sheepshead Bay by storm! The joy and light of Chanukah was spread to over 10,000 Yidden! This was an unprecedented event, one that surpassed the organizer’s wildest dreams.

    Over the past months, a dedicated and talented team worked tirelessly to coordinate and plan Chanukah Mivtzoim on a grand scale, bigger than they have ever done in the past.

    However, no amount of planning and organizing would breed success. It was only by teaming up with the Crown Heights community that the dreams and aspirations were made into a reality. Bochurim together with Anash and their young children spread out throughout Sheepshead Bay. They were given organized routes and all the Mivtzoim material needed to reach every yid and penetrate Sheepshead Bay with the light of Chanukah.

    In the words of one father who joined with his son: “Thank you for arranging such a mesudar Chanukah Mivtzoim! It was my kids’ first time going on mivtzoim (and mine in a while) and he loved it!”

    And another father relayed: “One lady was happy we came and was missing a yahrzeit candle for her son’s yahrzeit which was the next day. She had broken her leg and was unable to go out and buy one. B”H we were able to go and buy her a licht.”

    While lighting the candles with an older lady the family who was visiting her noticed that she became very emotional. Upon inquiring what was wrong she explained that this was bringing back very fond memories of her doing the exact same thing with her father when she was a little girl. She then proceeded to give the children Chanukah gelt, just as her father had done with her. It was an extremely moving encounter for all those present.

    Chabad of Sheepshead Bay would like to say a huge thank you to every participant who joined! No doubt the Rebbe received an abundance of nachas from the efforts of all the participants and the lives of thousands of Yidden have been changed forever!


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