Thousands at the Arizal’s Kever




    Thousands at the Arizal’s Kever

    Hei Av, marks the Arizal’s Yartzeit. On this day, thousands of Yidden come to visit the Arizal’s Kever in the city of Tzfas. Bochurim took the opportunity to do Mivtzoim and connect Yidden to the Rebbe. Photos by Shneur NavonPhotos


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    1. Yankev

      Rosh Hashona 5744 the Rebbe said that the Arizal is one of Rabboseinu Nessieinu!

      (First page of the Sicha in Toras Menachem.)

    2. Yossi

      The Arizal said in Tanya (תניא אגה”ק סכ”ו (קמב, ב

      וגם כל חכמת הקבלה היתה נסתרה בימיהם, ונעלמה מכל תלמידי חכמים, כי אם ליחידי סגולה
      the whole wisdom of the Kabbalah was hidden in their days and concealed from all the Torah scholars, except for a select few,

      ואף גם זאת, בהצנע לכת ולא ברבים, כדאיתא בגמרא
      and even then, [it was studied] in a concealed manner and not publicly, as stated in the Gemara. (Chagigah 11b; 13a)

      וכמו שכתב האריז״ל, דדוקא בדורות אלו האחרונים, מותר ומצוה לגלות זאת החכמה, ולא בדורות הראשונים
      R. Isaac Luria, of blessed memory, wrote that it is only in these latter generations that “it is permitted and obligatory to reveal this wisdom” — i.e., the Kabbalah, which illuminates the esoteric dimension of the Torah — but not in the earlier generations.

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