Who Won the World Series?




    Who Won the World Series?

    Imagine the Cubs stadium, overcrowded and too small to start with, with people making way for the WWII veterans shuffling in. They have been waiting all their lives for this game, and they are not going to miss it • Full Article

    Imagine the Cubs stadium, overcrowded and too small to start with, with people making way for the WWII veterans shuffling in. They have been waiting all their lives for this game, and they are not going to miss it.

    All the hype, all the emotion, coming from years and years of belief in a team that just kept losing. They kept losing, but their fans kept believing. They kept losing, and Chicago still wore their sweatshirts and caps, emblazoning their cars with strong messages of support and hope.

    One hundred and eight years!

    As an avid Moshiach fan, I related to my city’s mayhem with more emotion than a sport’s team would normally have evoked in me. We have been waiting for way too long. It’s been 1946 years of this current galus; it’s been 25 painful years since we received besuras hageula from the Navi Melech HaMoshiach himself. It’s been really hard. We have been waiting way too long.

    As per today’s Hayom Yom, ‘living with the times’ in the most literal sense of the word, we can gain perseverance from Chicago’s victory, to be proud fans no matter what. To keep promoting the players, who cares what everyone else thinks. Not to be swayed to switch teams, there’s always the white sox…, and to know we have far more to rely on than hope, we have the word of the Navi Hador, and a good Nevuah for klal yisroel can never be retracted.

    Last night’s concluding victory was watched by over 40 million people, and it was a great game, down to the finish.  Today’s amazing victory is being avidly observed by Hashem himself.

    Hashem, your physical world mirrors the spiritual, the perennial losers won; we need to experience the real world victory – Now!


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