Rabbi Greenberg Delivers Sicha Synopsis




    Favorite Niggun of Legendary Mashpia Newly Recorded

    A classic “Niggun Shabbos V’Yom Tov”, whose composer is unknown, was recorded and published under the auspices of the “Gaaguim” Project, which proliferates classic Chabad niggunim. The niggun was a known favorite of legendary mashpia Rabbi Shmuel Gronem Esterman, of the founding staff members of Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim in Lubavitch, Russia • Listen

    Singer Nemouel Releases Fresh Rendition of Niggun

    Israeli Chabad singer Nemouel Harrouch released a new single, more reminiscent of his past renditions of classic niggunim before releasing original music. The single is a stirring rendition of ‘V’Ata Amarta’. Nemouel previously released an album titled ‘Hitgalut’, which contains his renditions of classic Chabad niggunim, namely ‘Ashreinu’, which took the spotlight as the album’s most popular song • Listen

    Rabbi Greenberg Delivers Sicha Synopsis


