Using Public Skating Rinks




    Using Public Skating Rinks

    The prohibition against mixed dancing, as well as its terrible repercussions, are well-known. Similarly, mixed swimming is absolutely forbidden according to halachah, and poskim have harsh words to say regarding a man swimming among women, and vice versa • Watch


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    1. Sedra Tetzaveh

      So y is it, that in the MO (Modern Orthodox) world, when it comes 2 simchas (bris, bar mitzvah, kidush 4 a baby) except 4 a wedding, everything is mixed seating ? They bring Shulchan Aruch 2 say that it’s only really during prayer time & dancing that men & ladies need 2 b separate, however during any other simcha, it’s ok 2 b mixed.

    2. Anonymous

      why are there mixed ice skating events, which is very much like dancing?

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